A Longing Heart

A Longing Heart * You came into my life, and together we soared, each moment an adventure, never feeling bored. Every time you sang, my heart’s Love poured, Ascension through touch, our cells struck a chord. ** The excitement I feel each and every night, knowing the peace that fills, when our breath fits just right. To wake each morning with you by my side, opens a Superabundance of happiness, […]

Moving Into Conscious Relationship: Five Tips for Communal Living

Moving Into Conscious Relationship Five Tips for Communal Living   I would like to dive into a topic that has been a major theme of experience and reflection for me during the last few years. While I hardly consider myself an expert (still learning just as much as I always have) on communal living, I feel drawn to share a few observations that have come into focus in that time. […]