Releasing the Creative Flow of Money – Part One: Universal Living Allowance

Releasing the Creative Flow of Money Part One: Universal Living Allowance   {This is the first part of a series I am releasing in the creation of a new story of money and the fulfillment of my dream to unleash the infinite creativity I am reflected back every day through inspiring individuals. If this topic interests you, I invite you to contact me to amplify our creative potential.} What would […]

Alchemizing Nightmares

  Alchemizing Nightmares Night was falling on Tokyo as I walked away from the hotel where I had had a room booked for the night. My heart was heavy from the difficulties and unanticipated turn of events over the last few days. The rain from the day had turned to wet snow. I was wearing shorts and water soaked rope sandals; my toes were going numb. I had no way […]

Money Motivation

Money Motivation     There is an incredibly uplifting energy present at sunrise each day. The first rays of light cresting the horizon bring the forest alive, as creatures of all shapes and sizes sing their morning song. Greeting the Sun each day fills me with vitality and lightness as beams of love warm my face. It’s nice to know that Earth has got my back though – those same […]

Uniting Work and Play Through the Gift

(Nature Art by Skye) Uniting Work and Play Through the Gift {Left Hemisphere} {Link to Right Hemisphere} . I would like to present an idea that has been developing throughout my experiences over the past few years. In light of recent perspective, I feel now is the time to devote more of myself to its creation. This timing is inspired by two prominent insights I am integrating into the creation […]

Remembering the Guardians

Remembering the Guardians   Every opportunity I have received to explore the Red Wood forests of California has left me with a sense of awe, wonder, and humility. The giant, spiraling guardians towering above, touching the sky with their limbs. I learn more in an afternoon playing than I would during a whole day in front of a screen on the internet. Walking around is like being in a momentary […]

Journey Towards Truth

    Journey Towards Truth “Tell the truth and let the chips fall where they may” — Terence McKenna . This past weekend brought a powerful shift in my awareness. It began with the full moon and was carried forward through the Fall Equinox, all encapsulated within the translucent bubble of a festival in California called “Symbiosis Gathering”. The underlying theme of this cocoon was truth – and what emerged […]

Embracing the Power of Intention

Embracing the Power of Intention   A Bout With Intent About a week ago my entire perspective on life changed when I made a major life decision. This decision came after a long period of deliberation and avoidance. Some part of me knew this was the decision I was going to make, yet I found myself denying the possibility because I was avoiding the potential implications of such a choice. […]

Follow Your Heart

Follow Your Heart   This piece I have written could be somewhat considered a goodbye letter. I am leaving tomorrow until December 14th to follow the path I am being called along at this present time in my life. Until today, I have only told one person I am going on this trip. I’m not entirely sure why I chose to keep this to myself, perhaps it was partly out […]

Tribal Convergence

Tribal Convergence To my coastal tribe; Thank you. As I write these words – these symbols with multiple meanings – I sit in my heart and breathe into my feeling of connection, with the intention of that feeling resonating within you. I invite you, as you read these words, to also sit in your heart and to feel the space between the letters. It is essential now that we all […]