FozzyFest: A Family Reunion

Gathering together in a supportive community is a need that runs deep throughout cultures and across history. It is how we established security and felt a sense of belonging, of connection, of intimacy. The festival is one way communities come together to remind themselves we are in this together. Whether the purpose is to rejoice in the season’s harvest, commemorate a special transition in life, witness the union of two […]

Babies, a Woman, a Book, and How I Arrived at a New Perspective On Sex

Before I jump into this story, I want to share that I do not mean it to sound preachy. I am not telling anyone what to do. This is merely my own personal experience and the important thing is for each of us to honour our own path to truth. Since wisdom comes from observing both individual experiences and those of others, I offer my own story to those who […]

The Art of Feedback: Deconstructing Truth Through Humility

When I think back on my life I observe many moments in which I react to words spoken and written to me from others. Often, these reactionary instances arise when the other person is expressing a truth to me that I do not want to hear. I get defensive. I get angry. I take it personally. Sometimes these truths are simply fears that I myself am thinking, and yet do […]

Ten Teachings From My Dad

Ten Teachings From My Dad I often sense the impression that a quest for inner truth and personal growth is taken to reflect mistakes made during youth. I want to make it clear that this is in no way the case and that I harbor no resentment or hard feelings when I look back on my childhood. In fact, I have nothing but fond memories of that time of my […]