The Coronation Remix

The following is a personal poetic remix of the article recently written by Charles Eisenstein, titled “The Coronation”. His words are always such beautiful medicine to my heart, especially during tough times, and this moment in history is no different. I am honoured to have the opportunity to re-work his 9000 word essay of inspiration into this 3500 word, poetic response/summary (I tried to summarize but it’s so juicy!). While […]

Radical Self-Acceptance

Radical Self-Acceptance   “The attitude of “heroism” is based upon the assumption that we are bad, impure, that we are not worthy, are not ready for spiritual understanding. We must reform ourselves, be different from what we are… We become vegetarians and we become this and that. There are so many things to become. We think our path is spiritual because it is literally against the flow of what we […]