Upcoming Events, Workshops, and Presentations

Upcoming presentations from Mat Rix – I hope to see you there! <3

> Friday, May 25th – “Lessons from the Jungle

A personal anecdote relating my experiences in Peru while participating in Ayahuasca healing ceremonies with the Shipibo people. This is at the Evolver Calgary’s May Spore: Psychedelic Renaissance: Facebook Event Link

>> Sunday, May 27th – “Sharing the Gift

A workshop at Oasis (family friendly space at the Lilac Festival) designed for children that teaches the joys that come from sharing and giving to family and friends: Facebook Event Link 

>>> Tuesday, May 29th – “Personal Mythology: Tools for Reshaping Your Life”

An overview of tools and techniques for taking conscious control of your beliefs and thoughts in a way that helps you to create more of what you love in your life. Presentation at the May Conscious Calgary Convergence: Facebook Event Link

>>>> Monday, June 4th – “Sacred Economics: Gifting and Community Building in an Age of Transition

Come and share in the creation of a new collective story; one aimed at building a beautiful, sustainable future based upon a (r)evolutionary economic model that encourages community, love, cooperation, conservation, and quality of life over the presently destructive agreements which are devastating our home planet. Workshop held at The Area: Facebook Event Link 

>>>>> Summer Festivals – “Sacred Economics: Gifting and Community Building in an Age of Transition” Presentations

{Inshala – June 15-18, 2012 – http://inshala.ca/}

{FozzyFest – June 29 – July 2, 2012 – http://fozzyfest.com/mattcatleyevolver/}

{Motion Notion – July 19 – 23, 2012 – http://www.motionnotion.com/the-event/workshops/}

{Shambhala – August 8 – 13, 2012 – http://www.shambhalamusicfestival.com/}


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