(Un)Earth Magic




(Un)Earth Magic

I fear a world in which the rules control the rule makers. 

I was feeling dejected and a little let down yesterday after having yet another potential experience squelched by the excuse, “there is nothing I can do, that is just the rule”. I had fallen in love with the forest at Patrick’s Point State Park and proposed to the park attendant an alternative to the default monetary payment – an exchange of some of my time cleaning for a small 20′ by 8′ square of land to park on for a few days. He informed me that he was “just a grunt” and that the people who could make the decision were away for the weekend; in short, there was “nothing he could do”.

The reality of it (and most decisions we make) is that we can make the call, however we choose not to. We give our power away when we use the language of “my boss said so”, “the rule is the rule”, or “there is nothing I can do”. Two human beings having an interaction can always create a new outcome. I understand his dilemma – the employee following orders from the employer – I worked as a lifeguard for many years enforcing rules I did not personally agree with. Every time an external force is applied to move us in a direction that our heart says otherwise is an indignity of the soul we suffer. At its root it is fear that compels us to comply – fear of losing a job, fear of retaliation, fear of what might happen.

How do we start to regain our individual heart’s power? If we start to reword “I can’t” to “I am choosing not to” then it brings our awareness to the notion that we do have the ability within us to make such a decision. It empowers us while simultaneously creating the awareness of whether our decision is internally guided or externally forced, both of which feel drastically different.

What stuck out to me most, however, was as I turned to walk away from this closed path, the attendant looked me directly in the eyes and said, “I hope you find what you are looking for tonight”. It stuck in my mind because of the way he said it. The words were spoken in quite a different tone than the rest of the conversation. Was that him speaking? I left the park and drove without a direction or destination, open to possibility, and found exactly what I was looking for in a little town called Trinidad.


With my essentials gathered and bladder empty, I kicked off my shoes and followed the flora a-plenty.
Natural abundance all around me, feeling truly at home under a tree.
A sudden drop off to the right, should I continue along or test my might?
Roads less traveled are the way to go, who knows where the path will take you – let your imagination grow!

Sliding down a muddy embankment, plopped me straight in front of a magical enchantment.
Standing tall and touching the stars, a wise elder loomed, its roots engulfing tires from cars.
A babbling brook, babbling around, spongy green moss covering the ground.
Sitting in front of this awe striking sight, a powerful rock that made me feel quite alright.

This is it, I thought, a paradise I have been led, a place to release the thoughts in my head.
A place to create, to write, to let the heart juices flow, overcome with tears of gratitude, I drop my head down real low.
How can I give back, right here in the now? I do a lap, pick up the trash, help nature align with the Tao.
What is this feeling I get when I clean up a mess? It is a feeling of love, I must confess!

Further down this mysterious path, I hear the ocean waves crash crashing their relentless wrath.
A short encounter with a stranger, a stranger now a serendipitous friend, sit on Grandmother Rock’s lap, she says, and all your problems will amend.
After a quick meditation on this unique rock formation, I offer my dance of peaceful persuasion.
A moment to fully embody my warrior spirit, so that Pacha Mama may truly hear it.

Back to my mobile home I weave through the dark, finding it waiting for me next to the park.
My heart filled with love and inspiration, excited for the possibilities of dream co-creation!
Magic is abundant everywhere, available to enjoy and be had, I have found much of it in the little red wood town of Trinidad!


I hold space for a world where all are free, empowered, and supported to follow their heart in each and every moment.

Today, I choose to create such a world.


Still dreaming,


2 thoughts on “(Un)Earth Magic

  1. Beautiful Story, this individual, the park attendant gave you what you needed, not what you wanted, he was a magical being, hidden in a park attendants uniform. I am so happy you found an amazing experience and place

    1. Thank you Rye! That is definitely how I felt afterwards, not always right at the time but as it unfolded I came to realize that. I get the impression life is always giving you what you need :-p

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