Becoming Ecosexual: Weathering Jealousy

The tribe is gathered to celebrate the changing of the seasons. Cool fall air hangs around our bodies with a crispness hinting at the approaching sub zero tipping point of Winter. Full frequency baselines pulse from the black hole speakers, shaking the blanket of air into warmth as the dancers move their branching limbs in mirrored rhythm to the shimmer of the stars above. I am the dance. Eyes closed, […]

Freeing Creativity: Supporting a World of What We Love

Think back to when you were a young child. What did you want to be when you grew up? After having lived twenty-eight years I find it to be a funny question. Why would I want to settle on one thing when there is so much to choose from? At its core though, such a question can contain a powerful clue for the you, now. What form of creativity is […]