The Soul Mate Delusion Part Three: The Love Seeds of Genie’s Wisdom

Despite there being a number of poor messages in the Disney movies I watched during my childhood (most I am only recently becoming aware of), there are moments in the stories that glimmer with innocent truths that sparked my imagination and idealism. One movie in particular, and hands down my personal favourite, happened to contain two of the best seeds of relationship advice I have ever come across (and yes, […]

Marching For Peaceful Resolutions

Marching For Peaceful Resolutions     For the past eighteen years, cities across the United States have rallied on October 22nd to show solidarity against police brutality. I am learning that occurrences of police brutality are much more numerous and severe in the United States than they are back home in Canada. A sad truth that is only deepened through the discovery that such violence often leads to death. This […]

Journey Towards Truth

    Journey Towards Truth “Tell the truth and let the chips fall where they may” — Terence McKenna . This past weekend brought a powerful shift in my awareness. It began with the full moon and was carried forward through the Fall Equinox, all encapsulated within the translucent bubble of a festival in California called “Symbiosis Gathering”. The underlying theme of this cocoon was truth – and what emerged […]

Opening the Heart Center Through Release

Opening the Heart Center Through Release   It is through direct experience that we are able to discover our truth. We are experiential beings. How can we know what brings us our highest fulfillment unless we cast off from the safe shore and dip into the unbounded potential that life has to offer?   I have spent the last four days at a magical place called Dinosaur Provincial Park in […]